The Monster Chair

It is written many times in the Bible that, GOD looks at our hearts. As humans, we can never really know a person as deep as GOD does, because being our Creator, HE knows our behaviour from the beginning to the end. A few years ago, I got this urge to ‘know’ who I am. I took a number of selfies on my iPad at short intervals and even they, looked different from one another either through my facial expressions or even the distance of the camera from me.

I began to learn about me a little, but it was not until I began asking GOD to reveal to me who I was that it began getting intricate and fascinating. You see, the most fascinating thing is that, as I draw closer to GOD, surrendering more and more of myself to HIM, the me, I can almost not recognize emerges. Scripture in 2 Corinthians 3:18 says; And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Then I heard this question from my husband that shocked me, “How do you plan to bring home your monster chair!” He was resting on the sofa, we had just arrived home with a heavy table which we opted to carry from the shop that had emptied us of energy, especially carefully bringing it to the third floor. I answered in disbelief, “Well, I will get it here, as long as you come with me and assist me to put it on my head, a common way of carrying heavy items in my village of Western Kenya. I was shocked because my husband is a wonderful and polite person, this unfriendly question was completely unlike him. It had been a hectic morning, we had reserved the coffee table the previous week but when we got to the shop on this cloudy chilly morning, I spotted an armchair I have always wished to have. I went upstairs with the salesman and after agreeing on the price, he asked me to help him carry it down where my husband waited, already overwhelmed by the plan to carry the table home physically.

I asked him to pay for it, which he did before grasping what was happening. And now, here we were back home, already exhausted and with another errand still ahead, and I had just added a new one. We walked back to the shop, in silence, with me planning silently how I intended to sulk for the rest of the day because of carrying the chair alone. When we got to the shop, my husband took one end of the chair to help me bring it down from the high table where it stood, and we simply began to walk away. His comment was, “It is not half as heavy as I thought!” The walk back home was easy and spectacular. Both motorists and pedestrians noticed us and encourage us, smiled at us or were at a loss. But we made an impact, bearing in mind that our Ministry speaks for itself just by the sight of us, in partner dress etc.

I now know that I will never know my husband fully, neither will he know me fully. What we learned on that day, again is that all we need do daily is to surrender all to GOD, and HE will not only enable us, but HE continues to transform us into HIS likeness. On this morning, HE did it right before our eyes using the “Monster armchair.”This episode brought so much joy to us, we keep laughing about it, and at ourselves.

Allow HIM to work in you, through you, for you and with you. Amen!

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